(Source: Irish Times) Landmark new gambling laws due to come before Cabinet on Tuesday will see free bets banned while a new gambling regulator will be in place by early next year.
The regulator will be given powers to revoke or suspend gambling licences and will also be able to freeze accounts and block incoming payments to providers.
A social impact fund will be established which will place a levy on gambling companies and this will fund addiction treatment and other measures around awareness.
There will be no more free bets or inducements or VIP treatment for certain gamblers.
There will also be a clampdown on gambling advertising that will see the new gambling authority empowered to issue codes around the time and frequency that such advertising can appear on TV, radio and other media.
The code will be complemented by enforceable sanctions for providers who do not comply with the new rules.
There will also be a ban on the use of children or elements which may appeal to children in advertisements.
A self-exclusion register will be introduced so that people can restrict themselves from being able to gamble with providers for a number of months.
The legislation is understood to be lengthy and has been worked on by the Minister of State in the Department of Justice James Browne and the Minister for Justice Heather Humphreys.
Source: Irish Times. (2021). New gambling laws would see free bets banned. Available: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/new-gambling-laws-would-see-free-bets-banned-1.4704042. Last accessed November 2021.
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